Antilles Pink Toe

tarantulas 013

Docile species.  Generally safe to handle.

Docile species. Generally safe to handle.

NAME: Antilles Pink Toe (Avicularia Versicolor)
TYPE: New World Tree-Dwelling
TEMPERAMENT: Generally docile but a bit fast and skittish.  My specimen is handleable but tends to dart and move quickly.  When photographing my Antilles Pink Toe I had quite a hard time getting my spider into position and and even harder time getting it back in its terrarium!  It darted right back out as soon as I put it in, and when I tried to corral it with the lid it just started crawling around on it! 
HOUSING: House in a tall container with a branch or two and a water dish.  Keeping moist substrate at the bottom of the terrarium keeps the humidity up that the spider needs.  Misting the sides of the container also helps, as long as you don’t mist the tarantula directly. 
AVAILABILTY: Antilles Pink Toes are very popular and will probably be fairly expensive if you find one.  I got mine for about $75.  I’m not sure how much spiderlings would cost, but mine is almost full grown.
OTHER: Antilles Pink Toes are one of the most beautiful tarantula species.  As babies, they are bright blue.  As adults, they show brilliant reds, greens, and even purples!  I haven’t named my Antilles Pink Toe yet, but I am hoping for a female.

One Response to “Antilles Pink Toe”

  1. I named mine Pinky

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